Please be in prayer for our worship service on Sunday as we consider this crucial Christological passage from Zechariah. One of the reasons we are looking at this passage is that we are preparing ourselves for the Gospel of Luke. The hope of Messiah doesn't come out of nowhere. We saw in Ruth and we see in Zechariah that the hope of Messiah was Israel's and the world's hope.
The problem with Judah (Israel) and the whole world since the Fall is that humanity has revolted against the reign of God and each of us prefers his own will to the will of God.
Furthermore, we are utterly incapable in and of ourselves of changing. Only the God-man, the last Adam, the true Davidic King, can rescue any of us from our revolt against the kingdom.
When we gaze and muse on what God has achieved in and thru his Son (and Zechariah and the Old Testament saints looked forward), we are gradually transformed and transferred from our pointless scripts and inserted into ultimate reality.
We fundamentally need this because this age of sin and death seduces us into thinking that this is the real world so that our pursuits, affections, and concerns are foolishly centered on earthly things that are transient, temporal, and vain.
Zechariah reminds us that the human condition hasn’t changed since Genesis 3. Hence, we have the same need: a messianic priest-king who will represent us as Mediator to God as God takes humans and creation to their intended divine goal.
In face, this is what all of the writing prophets are doing--setting forth the eschatological realities of God’s plan to encourage, warn, comfort, and exhort the people so that they will persevere with a “God’s story” mentality; a story that presses towards and culminates in a person, the Messiah, the Lord Jesus Christ, our Priest-King.
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