Last Sunday I spoke of the Plot of all plots, which is God's purpose to glorify himself by establishing his universal rule over all of creation through his Seed (the Lord Jesus Christ [Gal 3:16] and those in union with Christ [Gal 3:29]). If our lives aren't centered and embedded in that Plot, then we are playing Monopoly with our short lives. In keeping with this idea, I came across this statement today by Pastor David Fairchild in a book I am reading. I think what he says corresponds nicely to what I said.
Frequently we lose sight of that fact that the gospel reaches beyond our own families. We grow content with having nice children who say "please" and "thank you," and we forget that the gospel is meant to inform all of our relationships, especially the ones we have with those outside. Remembering the truths of the gospel and that they are for those sinners, the ones out there, will keep the parents from seeing gospel centeredness merely as a cul-de-sac where we have pious, covenant families who live only for their own holiness rather than giving themselves and their children away for the cause of the gospel and advancement of the kingdom. Christ is on mission from his throne, by his Spirit, through the church and our family, to the world, for his glory. We join in the mission of Christ as he turns to his own and says, "as the Father has sent me, so I send you." We are called to be the "light of the world."...Because of Christ's mission to seek and save the lost, we are to become part of the narrative and see ourselves as real actors in the drama of his redemptive story (David Fairchild).
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