Wisdom, which is the part of the very fabric of creation (Prov 8:22-31), is depicted as our very life (Prov 4:13); that is, wisdom provides true protection from danger or even destruction.
Therefore, what children must be taught by their parents is to trust the Lord Jesus with all their hearts who is our very wisdom from God (1 Cor 1:30). That is, to acknowledge Him in all their ways, rather than being self-reliant or following the wrong kinds of role models or influences (3:5-6).
By example and instruction, parents are to teach their children a diverse array of positive attributes. These are markers of what life in Christ, our wisdom, should look like. In other words, the Lord Jesus embodies each one of these markers and as we grown in Christ, these realities should reflect themselves in our lives. We looked at a few yesterday. Here are some other things we must teach them:
caution and prudence (14:16; 27:12)
gentleness (15:1, 4)
contentment (15:16-17; 16:8; 17:1)
integrity of character (15:27; 28:18)
humility (16:19; 18:12; 22:4)
graciousness (16:24)
forthrightness (rather than duplicity; 16:30; 17:20)
restraint (17:14, 27-28; 18:6-7; 29:20)
faithfulness in friendship (17:17)
purity (20:9; 22:11)
vigorous pursuit of what is good and right (20:29)
skillfulness in work (22:29)
patience (25:15)
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