Friday, April 29, 2011

Sermon for May 1: "The Emptiness of Compromise" (Ruth 1:1-5)

Please pray for the worship service on Sunday as we begin a short, five week series in the book of Ruth. This week we look at the introductory paragraph as we consider the futility and vanity that comes from failing to trust the Living God in times of testing.

Keep in mind, at the moment of trial we do the habits of our hearts. When the moment of testing comes, no person becomes different than his/her habits and cherished thoughts. If those habits and cherished thoughts are not Godward in orientation, compromise will always be present.

Here's the good news for believers, our standing before God is not contingent upon whether we have compromised or not. That's good news because rest assured, we have. We compromise every day.

Rather, our standing is rooted in the doing and the dying of the Lord Jesus Christ who lived the life we could not--indeed--would not live and died the death we all deserve.

What should that good news do "to us?" It should chasten our compromise.

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