After reading 2 Corinthians 5 this morning I was reminded of a great quote (I think I got from Brian) on the new birth. It has been on my mind today and caused me to examine my "internal tempers and disposition" in light of Paul saying my "old [self] has passed away" and I am a "new creation" in Christ. It's my prayer that the Spirit continues changing all of our innermost principles from the very foundation...
"The believer has such a sight and such a knowledge of things that, ever since, he is quite another man than he was before. It has exceedingly altered his internal tempers and disposition. The knowledge that he has is so substantial, so inward, and so affecting, that it has quite transformed the soul and put a new nature into the man, has quite changed his very innermost principles, and has made things otherwise, even from the very foundation, so that all things have become new to them. Yes, he is a new creature, he is just as if he was not the same, but born again, created over a second time." -Jonathan Edwards
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