In light of the hunt, capture, and death of Osama bin Laden and all the implications for the war on terror stemming from that event, it's easy to think that this is more important in the scheme of things than it really is. To be sure, it is important. This evil man needed to come to justice. However, don't make it an ultimate thing. The Father's work through the Son by the Spirit for the sake of His name and remembrance (Is 26:8) is what is ultimate. Everything else pales.
Thinking about such things reminded me of a statement I read years ago by Eric Alexander that I think very appropriate and timely. Alexander writes:
The most significant thing happening in history is the calling, redeeming, and perfecting of the people of God. God is building the church of Jesus Christ. The rest of history is simply a stage God erects for that purpose. He is calling out a people. He is perfecting them. He is changing them. History’s great climax comes when God brings down the curtain on this bankrupt world and the Lord Jesus Christ arrives in his infinite glory. The rest of history is simply a scaffolding for the real work (“Application of Redemption,” in To Glorify and Enjoy God, 245).
Get that? Outside of God's redemption plan, the rest of history is simply a scaffolding for the real work.
In light of this, let's make the wise choice and embed our stories into this more ultimate story so that we live with a God's Story mentality.
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