As God's people prepare for worship across the world, keep in mind that we only have one "house-building" instrument: the Word of God, centered on the person and work of Jesus Christ. Having said that, it's the only intrument we need. In fact, the health of any particular church body corresponds to the degree to which that body adheres to the Word of God.
In other words, is the Word of God central in our Sunday School fellowships, prayer meetings, worship services and pulpits? Of course, virtually every church alludes to Scripture. But alluding to it and centering on it through rigorous teaching is another issue. When Scripture is pushed to the periphery of what we do, the church languishes. But when the Word of God is the cornerstone, the church thrives.
Why? Because the power of God is inherent in the word of God. Think of it this way. The Word of God:
Creates: Psalm 33:9 For he spoke, and it came to be; he commanded, and it stood firm.
Controls: Psalm 147:15 He sends out his command to the earth; his word runs swiftly. 147:18 He sends out his word, and melts them; he makes his wind blow and the waters flow.
Convicts: Jeremiah 23:28 . . . but let him who has my word speak my word faithfully. What has straw in common with wheat? declares the LORD. 23:29 Is not my word like fire, declares the LORD, and like a hammer that breaks the rock in pieces?
So as we approach our corporate worship time, let's ask the Lord that his Word would perform his purposes. After all, the health of your church is at stake.
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