Do you know what I think is one of the most damaging trends in the 21st century Western church? "Privatism." One dictionary defines privatism as "being noncommittal to or uninvolved with anything other than one's own immediate interests and lifestyle."
What are some ways you think this mentality could weaken the impact and health of the local church?
God is relational within Himself (Trinity) and we are created in his image. To be non communial is idolatrous and dehumanizing. Those who are shy or introverted are so because of the fall and have to overcome these tendencies. As the church we are pictured as a body. If parts of our body did not communicate then our body would not be healthy. We are called to love God and neighbor not to be quiet and live private lives. The Gospel is not private and God's purpose is to have His name worshiped in all the earth.