Friday, January 28, 2011


Joe White's Christian camps in Missouri draw thousands of kids each year from all over the United States. Most of these kids come from Christian homes. Joe surveyed more than one thousand of these kids and found some common themes:
  1. 95 % of the boys say their father regularly tell them, "I love you."
  2. 98 % of the girls say their mothers tell them regularly, "I'm proud of you" or "You're doing a great job."
  3. 91% of the kids say their parents play games with them.
  4. 94% say their fathers attend their athletic events.
  5. 97% of the boys say they get hugs from their dads.
  6. 100% of the girls say they get hugs from their moms and dads.
  7. Recalling their childhood, 100% of the girls remember having stories read to them by their mothers. 85% of the boys recall having stories read to them by their dads.
  8. 89% of the boys say their dads have taken them fishing.
  9. 100% of the girls say their parents have taken them to Sunday School.

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